Yocto Build#

The repository of the BSP is located in https://bitbucket.org/imx8mp/meta-demmelproducts/src/kirkstone/

This BSP is based on Kernel version 5.15.71 and Yocto Project Long Term Release Kirkstone (4.0)

Building the demmel products iLCD image#


URI: compulab-yokneam/meta-bsp-imx8mp

branch: kirkstone-2.2.0


Please submit any patches against the meta-demmelproducts layer to the maintainer:

Christian Roedlach cr@demmel.com

Table of Contents#

  1. Adding the meta-demmelproducts layer to your build

  2. Setup build environment

  3. Building the image

  4. Appendix

1. Adding the meta-demmelproducts layer to your build#

The layer meta-demmelproducts is based on copmpulab’s and NXP’s BSP at compulab-yokneam/meta-bsp-imx8mp

(branch: kirkstone-2.2.0)

Setup Yocto environment:#

mkdir iLCD-bsp && cd iLCD-bsp
export MACHINE=ucm-imx8m-plus

Initialize repo manifests:#

repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest.git -b imx-linux-kirkstone -m imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml

mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
wget --directory-prefix .repo/local_manifests https://raw.githubusercontent.com/compulab-yokneam/meta-bsp-imx8mp/kirkstone-2.2.0/scripts/meta-bsp-imx8mp.xml

repo sync

When having troubles with repo please visit chapter IV. Appendix.

Clone meta-demmelproducts in sources/ directory:#

cd sources
git clone -b kirkstone https://demmelproducts@bitbucket.org/imx8mp/meta-demmelproducts.git
cd meta-demmelproducts
cd ..

2. Setup build environment:#

export MACHINE=ucm-imx8m-plus
source compulab-setup-env -b build-${MACHINE}

Add following line to build-ucm-imx8m-plus/conf/bblayers.conf:#

BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-demmelproducts"

Add following line to build-ucm-imx8m-plus/conf/local.conf:#

DRAM_CONF = "d2d4"

3. Build the image:#

You can choose either an image file containing the iLCD demo application, chromium browser, candera and NXP demos by building the demmelproducts-image-demo image

bitbake -k demmelproducts-image-demo

or with debug information included

bitbake -k demmelproducts-image-demo-dbg

or a clean image booting into the weston launcher containing a terminal application only by building the demmelproducts-image-core image.

bitbake -k demmelproducts-image-core

Deployment - create a bootable sd card:#

Go to build-ucm-imx8m-plus/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE} directory:#

cd build-ucm-imx8m-plus/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE}

Deploy the image:#

zstd -dc <IMAGE NAME>-${MACHINE}.wic.zst > <IMAGE NAME>-${MACHINE}.wic
sudo bmaptool <IMAGE NAME>-${MACHINE}.wic --bmap <IMAGE NAME>-${MACHINE}.wic.bmap /dev/sdX*

4. Appendix:#

Troubles with repo#

Try following fixes:

mkdir ~/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo-1 > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

python3 ~/bin/repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest.git -b imx-linux-kirkstone -m imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml

wget --directory-prefix .repo/local_manifests https://raw.githubusercontent.com/compulab-yokneam/meta-bsp-imx8mp/kirkstone-2.2.0/scripts/meta-bsp-imx8mp.xml

python3 ~/bin/repo sync